The secretive Pentagon organization in charge of turning existing weapons systems into new warfighting concepts says it has a perfect track record so far: the military services have accepted all six of the technologies the Strategic Capabilities Office has offered up to date, a success rate its leaders say is largely due to its emphasis on rapid prototyping.

The SCO has only been up and running since 2012, and its very existence was classified until last year. But within the Defense Department, demand for its services has skyrocketed. Its budget, which is paid by the military services and other Defense organizations it partners with, has grown from $50 million in 2012 to more than $900 million in 2017. Besides the six projects that have already transitioned to the military services, 28 more are in the works, including five that are close to transition.

All of the concepts use proven technology. But that’s a far different matter from proving their use on the battlefield, said Dr. Will Roper, the director of the Strategic Capabilities Office. Read more
