The DEC Team took a Wingman Day when “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opened in Dayton. The company treated all employees to an Imax screening of this wonderful film which took some of us back to our youth and introduced others to a fascinating universe where good and evil battle using The Force – and good old-fashioned weapons. Back in 1978, we learned about a hot war fought in a galaxy far, far away; at the same time, we lived a Cold War fought on our home planet. The forces of evil were vanquished the same way in both cases: by learning the enemy’s technological weaknesses through intelligence and developing effective exploits to let us kill him before he killed us, or at least before he killed too many of us. We at DEC are proud to play a small role in creating technological advantages and exploiting weaknesses; we like to have a little fun now and then, too.
DEC team goes on a “Star Wars” outing
by Carl Borsani | Jan 27, 2016 | Fun Stuff | 0 comments